For planning i completed:
- A photographic storyboard of each shot.
- Location Reece
- Off site Campus form
We Also all had roles to play in the production of the filming , My role is Director.
Geogrie Field:
- Geogrie created and completed the shot list , so when filming we could make sure we had shot every shot , not leaving any shot out.
Geogrie's role is Producer.
Louis Brown:
- Lois created and completed the equipment and resource list , so when filming we was able to check we had all the equipment needed , not wasting any time.
Louis's role is Website manger.
Sam Evans:
- Sam made sure all the videos and sound were correctly updated on to the computer , ready for post production.
Sam's role is the sound man.
In pre-production we all had a go out filming , controlling sound and using the clapper board , all helping to contribute to our video.