Tuesday, 26 March 2013
Friday, 1 March 2013
Audience Feedback for website (NEW)
We all got some more feedback from our products , which are on Georgie's blog.
Feedback for Website:
Feedback for Website:
Thursday, 28 February 2013
Wednesday, 27 February 2013
Pre-production:The making of the website(NEW)
Geogrie and Lous were mainly in charge of the creating of the website with some up put from me and Sam.
Geogrie put on her blog some of the things they did to create our website , following the codes and conventions such as using a picture , creating a hyperlink to the cast interview.
Also including hyperlinks , just like the inbetweener's website.
They also edited pictures , to make them look like the ones on the inbetweeners website.
Geogrie put on her blog some of the things they did to create our website , following the codes and conventions such as using a picture , creating a hyperlink to the cast interview.
Also including hyperlinks , just like the inbetweener's website.
They also edited pictures , to make them look like the ones on the inbetweeners website.
Sunday, 24 February 2013
Post-Production : Audience Feedback (NEW)
From posting it on a social network site , we distributed our product to an audience , to see what they liked and didn't like about our Sitcom , allowing us to change it , before its final submitting. This will help us target our audience even more , as they have had an input into the actual show. A couple of people commented saying they liked the programme and found it funny. Which is the reaction we wanted our audience to have. Points to improve were , to create a title sequence at the start of the programme , introducing the name of the product to the audience. Many people also liked the stereotype used of a geek , which links to our primary research , as we found this out from our Focus group.Therefore as improvements to our programme we have added a title sequence at the beginning of the programme.
One person who watched our Sitcom commented on how professional she felt it looked , and when watching she forgot it was an amateur production. She also liked how simple the story line was to follow and through uses of camera shots , she felt it has great continuity throughout. Such as the shot reverse shots used , or establishing shots , which introduced every character in the scene. She also said she like the different range of stereotypes used. As well she this , she liked the bin scene in particular, and found Emily walking into a bin very funny. Which includes the codes and conventions of humor in a sitcom. One more thing she mentioned was how her mum found it funny to watch , and laughed throughout , her mum's age is around 35 , meaning to targeted the higher end of our overall target audience as well.
Pre-Production: Drawn Storyboard (NEW)
Drawn storyboard add to blog from charleymaguire
After creating our storyboard , we took a photographic storyboard as well to make sure all the shots had continuity , we realized from this they didn't , therefore some shots have been changed. Also when filming we came across a probably with one of our scenes , using the library doors , therefore we also had to change this, however the same shots have been used , so our storyboard was still of use to us.
After creating our storyboard , we took a photographic storyboard as well to make sure all the shots had continuity , we realized from this they didn't , therefore some shots have been changed. Also when filming we came across a probably with one of our scenes , using the library doors , therefore we also had to change this, however the same shots have been used , so our storyboard was still of use to us.
Saturday, 23 February 2013
Thursday, 21 February 2013
Own production schedule (NEW)
- Research and intentions : 16th of November 2012
- Planning complete : 30th November 2012
- Finishing editing by : 19th of February
- Get audience feedback by: 25th of February
- Completed production with improvements : 1st of March 2013
- Own Evaluation completed by : 1st March 2013
- Blog complete with improvements by 1st of March 2013
Institutional context :E4 (NEW)
Channel 4 started as a subsidiaries of the International Broadcasting Authority (IBA). This was up until 1993 when channel 4 was taken over by Channel 4 Television Corporation, which is a big Conglomerate. One of its companies being Channel 4. E4 is a subsidiary of channel 4. Which was launched on the 18th January 2001. Its a 'pay-TV' campaign to Channel 4. The 'E' stands for entertainment. E4 targets an audience of 15 to 35. E4 is part of many other programmes , including Film4 , 4Music, More4 and so on. They all use synergy to promote similar products , such as they all show adverts , alot of them advertising Channel 4 productions , therefore Channel 4 uses all of its platforms to promote its own products.
E4 shows programmes which entertain a younger audience. Many of E4’s programmes are written by older writers who are influenced by the younger generation of today, therefore using slang and dialogue in which a younger audience would use. Many of its programmes include stereotypes such as the inbetweeners; all of the characters are morally good. Therefore in our Sitcom, all our characters are morally good and all have stereotypes.
E4 shows programmes which entertain a younger audience. Many of E4’s programmes are written by older writers who are influenced by the younger generation of today, therefore using slang and dialogue in which a younger audience would use. Many of its programmes include stereotypes such as the inbetweeners; all of the characters are morally good. Therefore in our Sitcom, all our characters are morally good and all have stereotypes.
Monday, 18 February 2013
Idea's from inbetweeners website (NEW)
Intentions (NEW)
We are to create a programme, targeting an audience of 15 to 35 years, with the same demographic and psychographic as an E4 audience. It has to be suitable for pre-watershed broadcasting. We are to create a two minute clip and also a 3 paged website. My group have decided to create a fiction production with the genre of a situation comedy. Therefore our clip and website must follow the codes and conventions of a sitcom, such as camera angles, stereotypes, narratives, and Mese en scene. Also the conventions of E4 as we are targeting the same audience, such as their brand image. There brand image such as the E4 logo is purple, suggesting their target both males and females. The anchorage of the logo is also bouncy and circular, suggesting a bouncy, light hearted feel to it. This links to its free atmosphere, targeting the younger audience. Unlike channel 4 which has a more formal logo, E4 has a more informal logo, more working class.
Therefore through Primary and Secondary audience and product research we have a clear understanding of what is expected of our overall product. When planning out our sitcom it is very important we keep our target audience in mind and how they are part of a mainstream audience. To meet the criteria of our brief we are to take into consideration our target audience, such as the demographics and psychographic elements, such as gender, attitudes and social class. Therefore we are to research into existing sitcoms on E4 and identify the codes and conventions popular with are target audience. It is important when targeting our audience we pay attention to the class system such as A, B, C1, C2, D, E as this has a big effect on the way we target our audience. We plan to target 15- 30 year olds mainly in the social class of B, C1 , C2 and D , ranging from high middle class all the way to lower working class, as this is the social class E4 focus on. All the characters in our sitcom are of this class range, therefore our audience can relate more to the characters enjoying the show more.
I intend to create a Sitcom which includes humour, which the audience can watch in a way to escape the stresses of everyday life, giving them the opportunity to laugh at the expense of someone else. Through my research into sitcoms and audience I found out people enjoy watching Sitcoms that are based around the stereotype of a ‘Geeky’ character or a group of friends. We found this out my conducting a focus group , in which we handed out questionnaires for the peers to answer , from this we added up all the data found and created graphs. We then carefully looked at the graphs and found a pattern, which shown the stereotype of the ‘Geeky’ character was most popular to our specific target audience. Therefore my Sitcom will be based on a geeky character in college and her struggle to fit in. The colour scheme of the programme shall be green as this is a unisex colour, targeting both genders. Also through recent research I found green to be a light hearted colour connoting the programmes light hearted humour, green is also a peaceful colour, connoting to how we want our audience to feel when watching our programme, as they should feel relaxed and escape the stresses of everyday life.
Also we must create a 3 paged website to further advertise our product, and involve the audience more allowing them to interact with the programme more. When researching into other websites, especially the inbetweeners website, I found a pattern in the layout of the websites. Which I shall use for our website. Therefore the website shall be very simple and easy to navigate through the site. Including a characters page allowing the audience to learn more about the characters and TV show. When researching into other websites, like our programme, I looked at the layout of the Inbetweeners website and how they set out their character pages. On their site, they show images of the characters and as you click on the picture, it transfers you to a page of information on them. Therefore for our website we have done the same, sticking to the conventions of the website. It shall also include an interview with members of the cast, so the audience can learn more about the making of the production and the ideas behind it.
Overall my intentions are to create a 2 minute clip and a website to go along side which targets an audience of 15 to 30 ( Same target audience as The Inbetweeners). The sitcom shall be entertaining and fulfil all the codes and conventions of a typical sitcom. The website shall be interesting and inform the audience more about the programme, to overall create an exciting to product.
Saturday, 16 February 2013
Mise En Scene and Camera Shots of Programme (NEW)
Sunday, 10 February 2013
E4 audience Demographic and Psychographic
E4 Audience
When researching into E4 audience I found out , when broadcasting starts at four , they target the lower end of their audience , such as showing cartoons and programmes of the same genre. Then around six o’clock their then begins to target their older target audience by showing programmes such as Hollyoaks and Friends. When researching into the social class , I found E4 target at throughout all of the social classes , but most commonly at C1 and C2 , such as ‘FRIENDS’ but targeted as C1 , in social class that means ‘lower middle class’.
This is a generic term , it is split up into 3 sections : Attitudes , Interests , and Opinions. Attitudes about social class and beliefs, personal interests going out shopping e.g , opinions on the environment, globalization. All of these things are important to think about when trying to target our audience. Therefore when thinking about E4 target audience being 15-35 , this may have a wide range of different beliefs and interests , that why they create so many types of programmes , fulfilling all they audiences needs. Our Genre is a Sitcom , therefore , are audiences interests will fit of this genre , such as humor. Sitcoms are a great way in which to tackle serious issues in a light heated way , therefore talking about issues of belief and globalization.
Thursday, 7 February 2013
Wednesday, 23 January 2013
Layout of Inbetweeners website and our website (NEW)
For the website i looked at similar websites with the same target audience, such as the E4 website. For that i created a tree graph of all the pages it contented. Then i created are our tree diagram of our website sticking to the conventions of the E4 website. We only need to create 3 pages , however i laid it out as if we were creating them all.

For our website we also need at overall title for are show , to appear both on the programme and also on the website, therefore we spend a lesson going through fonts and styles of text which we could use. We then asked people which one they liked best.
This is the link which will take you to the work and fonts we looked at.
I created the layout of our Website , from looking at the layout of the Inbetweeners website , i created a plan layout of the website and created our plan around this plan. As we are targeting the same audience as the Inbetweeners.

Monday, 21 January 2013
FCP Tutorials
This video has shown me how to use thumbnail on Final cut Pro , therefore when using it , i shall be able to use this technique to help me , lay out and find my clips easier.
This clip also shows how to change the colour on your video , therefore if any of my clips don't look the same colour , i can use what I've learnt to keep the continuity of my video.
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