Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Overall summary into Audience Research

Overall summary:

Firstly by doing research into viewing figures, I was able to get an understanding about which sitcom’s are most popular with our target audience. I was able to find this out through a focus group , in which we asked 10 people ages 16 to 18 , points there liked about sitcoms , such as stereotypes , narrative structure. Therefore when creating our programme we will include all these elements. And from that i was able to understand why they were popular.The narrative and also the channel in which it was shown on. As the inbetweeners was very popular as it is shown on a channel for 15-25 year old’s (E4) and the programme Is based round 18 to 20 years olds , showing that people of this age enjoy watching sitcom’s based around people of the same age as them. Therefore for own programme we shall use the same aged cast as are target audience , ranging from 15 to 25. Also from my focus group, i found out what teenagers want from a sitcom. I found out that in fact they do prefer to watch sitcom’s in which the characters are around the same age as them, in which they can then relate to. They also liked the funniness of sitcom’s and how it relates to everyday life. Therefore when we create our sitcom we need to make sure we keep the reality of our narrative and make sure the audience can relate to our programme.

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