Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Summary of groups research into Secondary product research

Charlotte Maguire:
 I research through a lot of books about the codes and conventions of a sitcom , by doing this i found out, the same codes happen at the end of each Sitcom, the Narrative comes together as the conflict is resolved. Leaving the audience happy that everything has worked out fine. This happens at the end of every Sitcom so that a new narrative can begin next episode. Our story line must include a Equilibrium, Disruption, Recognition of Disruption, Attempt to Repair and New/return to Equilibrium. To show the genre of our programme to be a Sitcom. So by doing this our sitcom can follow the correct narrative and conventions , as well as giving the group a little extra information into sitcoms.

Geogrie field:
Geogrie researched into what it good and bad on websites.From her research she found out that webpages look most effect when they have the simplest of elements on it , and that sometimes less is more. This will be a great help when creating our webpages , helping us to create the best we can.

Louis Brown:
Louis researched into secondary existing products , as she looked how to create a webpage on word-press  She looked at tutorials into making a webpages, in which told her step by step how to create a webpage , which will help us when we come to create our webpage for our sitcom.

Sam Evans:

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